Thursday, October 14, 2010


We had the absolute fortune to serve for a night at the USO.  What a treat to go and help our service men and women.  The ladies in charge were patient and kind to us.  I encourage and I know the girls would encourage you to serve at the USO.  I plan to go back with Ethan's class and also as a family.  It was one of the greatest acts of service I have ever been able to participate in.  There were tears...

Personal Progress Night 10-6-10

Marybeth once again enlightened us with her wonderful lessons.  We have been assigned to write down our favorite recipe and share it with others.  Coming in November, we'll have a potluck dinner.  We're to bring a friend and share our gifts with others.  Thus, we heed the call to give thanks.  Thanksgiving.   No mutual night would be complete without fresh pumpkin pie and whipped cream.  Marybeth brought each of the girls a Deseret Cookbook and a pumpkin to carve.  Our girls aren't spoiled at all!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is Camp?

I drove out to Girl's Camp yesterday evening and before driving home in the middle of the night because I was food poisoned (not at camp), I was able to capture camp at it's finest. My intention was to take more pictures today. Sorry for those girls I missed. Seriously, I would have much rather been taking pictures than doing what I was doing!

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Planting a Seed

We worked on a Personal Progress Activity. The YW were able to plant a flower and we had a long lesson that one of the YW should tell you about...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Trip to Kirtland

We were able to make a trip to Kirtland during Spring Break. There were only a few of us that went, but we had a great time. The Reflections of Christ photo gallery is being displayed right now and so we were able to take advantage of that great scene, too. After watching a movie, we ate turkey sandwiches and for dessert... jello.

This trip was designed to gear us up for our temple trip to Columbus. That was a great trip. We're small, but mighty!!

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Friday, March 26, 2010

There's Something Special About Googlie Eyes





This week we had out General Conference Preparation Class. We put together packets to keep our minds focused on General Conference. Otherwise, you know the drill, you'll start thinking about the upcoming Temple Trip or the Modest Prom, etc. Don't tell me you don't, I do it, too, except for the Modest Prom. We also made some snack bags so that we're prepared ahead of time. We don't want to miss a beat of Conference. Finally, we played a memory game using the faces of the Quroum of the Twelve and their interesting tidbits of information.

All in all it was a really fun night. We laughed liked it was 1999.
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